Transcript Information
If you are looking to order a transcript, please send an e-mail to our department by emailing transcripts@swampscott.k12.ma.us
ALUMNI – Please use the email above to request transcripts, please allow 5 business days.
Destruction of School Records
Under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Temporary Record (guidance cumulative folder), must be destroyed within five years after graduation or withdrawal. However, there may be items contained within the folder that may be of value to you in the future. Therefore, once certified for graduation, and in lieu of destruction, the Temporary Record file will be made available to your son/daughter the week following graduation. In order to have your record available, the guidance office requires a 48-hour notification prior to the pickup.
The laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also dictate that the student’s Permanent Transcript, which identifies the courses taken, grades received, standardized test scores, date of graduation or withdrawal, date of birth, parent’s name and address, must be kept on file for 60 years. These are kept in the Main Office.